What is ADHD clutter anxiety??
It is a type of anxiety that people with ADHD experience due to their difficulty with organizing and maintaining a clean living space.
Ever heard of the ADHD Tax?
Ever lost a bill or something important in a stack of mail or had groceries go bad because you can’t see everything in your cluttered fridge? If so, then you paid the ADHD Tax!!
So—-What is the link between ADHD and being unorganized?
There are several reasons you are more prone to disorganization. One reason is simply an intolerance to boredom.
You need to be personally invested in what motivates and excites you. Tasks like cleaning and decluttering are often avoided because these tasks do not stimulate your excitement.
How can I stop ADHD clutter anxiety?
Develop a routine that works for you and your family. Everyone in the home is responsible for cleaning up after themselves!
Break down large tasks into smaller ones. Everyone in the home should be assigned to specific household tasks. Ownership helps others to maintain the messes better. Create a visual chart with everyone assigned to their tasks
Tips for ADHDers Clutter
Set a timer: Do 10-15 minute intervals of cleaning and then take a 5 minute break in between. Start timing yourself to see how quickly you can get a task completed before the timer goes off.
Put a trash can in every room: If you struggle with trash, then you will have somewhere to throw it away, versus leaving it on the floor or furniture. You can also do this with laundry baskets or other organizers for whatever clutter you are struggling with.
Visual charts & To Do Lists: Visually seeing what you need to do and then checking it off will not only remind you what needs to be done, but the gratification of checking that task off is “Priceless”
Doom Piles: The piles of clutter you have created and avoid every time you walk by them. It’s time to start going through them and getting rid of them. Take 1 pile at a time and then take a short break in between.
Declutter often: This is not just a one and done task. My #1 advice to all is “Touch it once”! Everything has a home, and should be put away and not left sitting around.
Ask For Help!! It is ok to ask for help, it does not mean you are a failure. Sometimes you need help getting the initial clutter gone, so that you can maintain it going forward.
Remember: you can’t eat a whole plate of food in one bite. You have to eat it one bite at a time. Same concept with decluttering, it didn’t get the way it is in one day. You have to take it one room and one pile at a time
I am always available if you need help! Give me a call!!
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